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Clone from GitHub

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Carina does not allow SSH use with GitHub. You must use HTTPS. The URL can be found on the repo's GitHub page, and it is used like this:

git clone

Cloning A Private Repo

If it is a private repo that requires you to sign in, you must set up a personal access token on GitHub, scoped to repo as shown below. 

Screenshot of GitHub UX showing that the token being created is scoped to Repo.

You will use this token instead of a password when accessing the private repo through the command line.  The username/password pair is your GitHub username and the personal access token.

Screenshot of GitHub UX, showing the location of the https:// url that will be used on Carina. The url is found by clicking the CODE button, then selecting local > https

The https:// url for a repo can be found by clicking the <>Code button and selecting Local > HTTPS

carina:~$ git clone 
Cloning into 'your-repo'... 
Username for '': 
Type your GitHub username, not your SUnetID 
Password for 'https://<you>': 
Paste the personal access token
remote: Enumerating objects: etc etc