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Can I Use Carina?
Research must be Stanford-led
Carina is available to any Stanford researcher who has Principal Investigator (PI) privileges or who is part of a team led by a Stanford PI.
Note: External collaborators, or users without a SUNet ID, can be sponsored by a PI and get a full sponsored account, with SUNet ID and Stanford email. Please see the sponsorship page for more information.
Data must be high-risk
Carina is exclusively available for research using high-risk data.
If your project does not involve high-risk data, Stanford Research Computing has robust research computing options for low- and moderate-risk data.
A Data Risk Assessment must be completed
Each new data set brought into the Carina environment will undergo a Data Risk Assessment. Stanford’s Information Security Office (ISO) and the University Privacy Office (UPO) evaluate projects based on all applicable security and privacy laws and regulations as well as University policy. Once the DRA is approved, the data set can be brought on the Carina platform.
Note: The DRA requirement does not apply if the project only uses data from the Stanford Medicine Research Data Repository (STARR) or Population Health Sciences (PHS), which are already covered by a DRA
Effectively and safely computing on high-risk data requires a flexible yet compliant compute environment. Stanford Research Computing is committed to enabling research using high-risk data at Stanford by offering a variety of on-premise and cloud solutions that are compliant with Stanford's minimum security requirements for high-risk data.