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Access Carina via SSH

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  1. Make sure that you are connected to the full-tunnel Stanford VPN
  2. Open your local terminal, and connect to your compute environment by entering the following command: <your-sunet>
  3. You will be prompted to enter a duo-push notification method. Enter a notification option. 
  4. Accept the duo-push notification. 
  5. You are now connected to the Carina On-Premise login node! NOTE: The login node is not appropriate to submit compute resources. Please check out our Slurm primer in order to run resources via Slurm 

Running analyses via Slurm

When you are logged into Carina On-Premise via SSH, you have authenticated to the Carina cluster, but have not yet requested compute resources. To leverage Carina's cluster of compute resources for your analytical work, you will need to submit jobs via Slurm. Is Slurm new to you? Check out our Slurm Primer to get started!